Saturday 28 February 2015

Happy weekend...

Casual Saturday
Happy weekend folks! It's been a long week at work so I've been very much looking forward to a lie in, stocking up our cupboards with some delicious food and catching up on lots of TV I've missed over the past few months. I'm also doing something I've never done before this weekend - learning calligraphy. I'm so excited. I've always been envious of people with beautiful handwriting, so decided to do something to improve mine.

I'm taking a beginner's class with Quill London, and will be sure to blog about it next week. Keep an eye out on Instagram (@s11ona) for my initial efforts, unless I'm completely hopeless, then I won't bother.

I'll also be planning for our weekend away next week. We're heading to Lulworth for a belated valentine's treat, so am on the look out for places to see and visit and good dining options. If you have any, please let me know.

Hope you all have a wonderfully relaxing weekend...


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